Frank Hawks Texaco Travel Air Type R Mystery Ship

G. Schwartz
Model Scale:
historical significance
First Albuquerque Visit: 1930
Additional Information:
Frank Hawks (March 28, 1897- August 23, 1938) was one of the aviation legends of the golden era of flight. Hawks gained fame as a member of the Gates Flying Circus wherein he was part of the team that performed the world’s first inflight refueling in 1921. Through his association with Texaco, he also contributed to the commercialization of aviation
In 1930, Hawks proposed that Texaco purchase a revolutionary new racing aircraft, the Travel Air Type R Mystery Ship, which had its debut at the 1929 National Air Races. The Mystery Ship obtained the name due to the secrecy surrounding the development of the aircraft.
In 1930, Hawks embarked on a series of exhibition flights and record-breaking flights across the United States including a new transcontinental west-to-east record on August 13, 1930 which included a refueling stop in Albuquerque. Frank Hawks and the Mystery Ship was also a frequent transient visitor to the Albuquerque Airport beginning throughout the 1930’s.
The plane is shown being refueled in front of the air terminal on Oxnard Field.
The plane in the photo is taxiing in front of the terminal building here in Albuquerque.
The plane is currently on display in the Chicago Science Museum.